Want to lose stubborn belly fat? Healthy Mummy mum Dani Stormont knows a thing or two about getting rid of belly fat; transforming her belly from wobbly to washboard.
Don’t miss her Top 10 Tips for losing stubborn belly fat below.
40 year mum-of-3 Dani joined The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges in Sept 2017. By following the healthy and nutritious recipes on the Challenge App and enjoying the delicious Healthy Mummy Smoothies she has lost a total of 30kgs and dropped down from a size 16-18 to a size 8.
When she first began the 28 Day Challenges she lost 24kg in 5 months. She then maintained her weight for a year whilst battling a few health hurdles in 2018 which included having three surgeries to remove abscesses and having a cocktail of antibiotics for months and bed rest for months.
In 2019 she saw her health return and she embarked on her Healthy Mummy Journey again, using the Smoothies and App again and focusing on fitness rather than weight loss. She lost another 6 kg.
Total weight loss – 30kg
Dani has not only lost 30kg, she has maintained her weight loss for a year.
She says “I turned 40 last year…. And I am honestly in the best shape I have been my whole adult life!”
Below are her valuable tips for losing the stubborn belly fat.
Dani’s Top 10 tips to lose that stubborn belly fat!
1. Stay away from trans fats
Read your labels and avoid products that contains trans fats, often listed as Hydrogenated Fats (and sorry! But those deep fried chips from the local take away are full of them!)
2. Eat more fibre
Soluble fibre absorbs water and forms to a gel during digestion, so obviously will help keep you fuller for longer. Soluble Fibre can be found in Barley, Lentils, Beans, Oat Bran, Nuts, Fruit & Veg, Peas and Flaxseed. Want more? Read Why is fibre so good for me? Get the FREE high-fibre choc orange nut bites recipe.
3. Reduce alcohol
Party pooper alert, don’t shoot the messenger lol…. but studies have linked alcohol consumption increased risk of central obesity. Central obesity is the spare tyre around your waist! Read 10 Alcoholic drinks you want to avoid if you are trying to lose weight.
4. Eat high protein diet
High protein consumption increases the release of the hormone PYY, the “fullness” hormone – which decreases appetite & promotes the feeling of fullness. Protein also raises metabolic rate and helps you retain muscle mass during weight loss. Get 6 FREE high protein snack recipes
5. Say no to soft drinks
Soft Drinks are a BIG NO! They are loaded with liquid fructose which makes you gain belly fat. Simple Want to quit? Read Nutritionist shows you how to cut out soft drinks from your diet in 3 steps
6. Get more sleep
We need to sleep! Sleep deprivation leads to weight gain, including belly fat. Read 4 ways sleep deprivation can lead to major weight gain
7. Limit your juice consumption
Juice has JUST as much sugar as soft drinks! Again… full of liquid fructose. Read Is juice ok for me to drink?
8. Try Apple Cider Vinegar
It contains acetic acid which has been shown to reduce abdominal fat storage. Read How does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight. Buy Apple Cider Vinegar tablets here.
9. Drink Green Tea
Green tea contains the antioxidant EGCG which boosts metabolism. Read Here is how green tea really helps with weight loss
10. Have the Tummy Smoothie with Probiotics
The Tummy Smoothie is formulated to help a bloated tummy and gut health and it is jammed with Probiotics, Probiotics are bacteria found in some foods and supplements. They have many health benefits, including helping improve gut health and enhancing immune function.
Researchers have found that different types of bacteria play a role in weight regulation and that having the right balance can help with weight loss, including loss of belly fat.
P.S check out our TUMMY smoothie here
11. Resistance/ Weight train
Building lean muscle mass will not only make you stronger and protect your bones and joints but it will also help you burn more calories even at rest! Read The benefits of using weights for weight loss.
The Healthy Mummy team would like to congratulate Dani on her amazing transformation and for sharing her valuable tips with us.
Want more? Read 14 different causes of excess belly fat in women and 7 easy ways to a flatter tummy.
You might also enjoy reading 15 foods and drinks to help blast belly fat.
Join Dani on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and change your life today!

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