The summer holidays are approaching. Are you already wondering whether you should be giving up on your diet now and re-joining in September? There are a few reasons why this is a terrible idea. You can survive the summer holidays on a diet, read on and I will help.
Firstly if you stay on plan you may only manage to maintain your weight over the 6 week holidays. That has to be better than eating whatever you like and gaining over a stone? 2.5lb a week for 6 weeks is really not that hard. When you think about ice cream and drinks in a beer garden on warm days, all-inclusive holidays and picnics with the kids.

You had dreams when you started dieting and those dreams are still there. Don’t give up on your dreams and follow these tips to help the summer holidays be a little easier for you.
Summer holidays on a diet survival tips
Plan your meals in advance weekly at a time you can stick to throughout the holidays. I have lots of healthy summer recipes you can try.
Buy Ice creams that you don’t like for the freezer. That way you only need to be strong (or syn them) when you are out.
Put a list of low-calorie drinks and ice-creams in your purse for easy reference when you are out.
Plan to have treats when you plan your days out and meals so you don’t feel deprived but stick to plan. Simple changes like this can make all the difference.
Build food shopping into your schedules so you never have to eat off-plan. This prevents slip-ups just because you haven’t been shopping but also helps you save money.
If you go on holiday plan which meals you will eat healthily and which you won’t. Maybe make all your breakfasts on plan and lunches as healthy as you can so only one meal a day is not as good.
Check the menu in advance what the food options are on days out so you can plan. This way you can stop at a healthier place if you are somewhere busy like a city or theme park. Knowing where you are heading for lunch can keep you on the plan.
Make healthy picnics where you can. This post will help you with that.
Carry a bottle of water with you whenever you can. This helps you stay hydrated and mistaking thirst for hunger.
Enjoy your summer holidays on Slimming World whether you are the size you want to be or not. Remember you only get one life and whilst you want to better yourself don’t let it spoil your time today.
I hope you all have a lovely summer. Let’s hope we have some lovely weather and lots of great memories are made. Perhaps you could consider getting your garden summer-ready by doing some gardening and burning extra calories too?
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